School Parent App:10 Reasons why one should Use VAWSUM.

- Bridging the parent and the teacher
In today’s fast-moving world, we all have pretty less time. Usually, both parents are working. In a situation like this, parents barely get the opportunity to meet the teachers and vice versa. But one need not worry anymore, because, VAWSUM is here. VAWSUM, School Parent Mobile App has been specially designed to bridge the gap between a parent and a teacher. From the attendance of a student to their homework, from the school bus to the school fees, VAWSUM has solutions to all your problems. This app is a perfect stop to solve all communication issues. It is regarded as a top school communication app.
- Toe-to-toe with Digitalization
Students nowadays tend to be active on “social media” almost all day long. Parents often complain saying “My child is always busy over his/her phone.”. This is where VAWSUM plays the masterstroke. Our venture of using “Digital Media” in order to transform the modern way of communication in school has been a grand success. Students have again taken likeness in diary works, all because, its digital.
- Each one, plant one
We are all acquainted with the term “Each one, plant one”. Yes, we need to save our environment. Apart from afforestation, another way to save trees would be by stopping deforestation. If we don’t cut trees, then we can actually help in increasing the number of surviving trees. VAWSUM has taken up this initiative to transform the old way of using paper for schoolwork work like maintaining attendance, collecting fees, sending daily reports and all other diary work into our phones. Yes, usage of VAWSUM app actually helps in the reduction of usage of papers and thus, saving trees. Therefore, it should not only be said “Each One, Plant One” but we should also say “Each one, Use VAWSUM”
- Time is money
Good news for all the ones who are working and cannot come to school every day for the daily updates of their ward or cannot attend the dates when fees need to be given because now you can do all these without having to miss your working hours. And teachers can actually update regarding the homework, any class or school event, any announcements or any type of personal conversation with the parents, without having to waste their time. And all because of VAWSUM. VAWSUM brings fee payment, taking attendance, regular updates regarding class and much more at the tip of our fingers. So, this is an app, tailor-made for you.
- Easy to pay the Fees of your child
The good news for parents is now, you don’t need to waste your precious time by standing in long queues outside the fee counter your child in order to pay the fees. The good news for the teachers as a lot of administrative work is reduced when parents can directly pay for their child’s school fee and you can settle the payments into your accounts without doing any paperwork. So, all in all, VAWSUM is the app to be used when you want to clear the school fees of your child.
- Security and Reliability
Safety is never an issue with VAWSUM. Your private data including your mobile number, email address, bank account number and everything other personal details are never shared with anyone. We use 256-bit encryption for protecting your data, the same that bank uses.
- You don’t need to worry about the location of the school bus
VAWSUM now brings with it another feature in the app. You can now tack the school bus of your child directly from your home with just a click of your phone from your house. You don’t need to wait for the bus at the bus stop. You will get real-time locations and SMS updates.
- Students can do what they want to do
“The only way to do great work is love what you do”, said Steve Jobs and this is so true. The only way by which, someone would love their work is by doing what you love. Students love the digital world and studies say, a student in an average spends more time on the digital platform than with their books. So, in a time like this, the best way to enhance the child’s growth is if to merge studies with the Digital Platform. VAWSUM has been instrumental in this aspect and has had a positive response from the students, in this aspect.
- 24*7 Customer Service
At VAWSUM, we value our customer. We have an unbeatable customer support, something that everyone craves for. We provide 24*7 online as well as offline onsite support for all our customers. Our customer service is really “WOW” and not just a mere wow.
10. Assures a Very AWeSomE experience
The very fact that VAWSUM stands for V-very AWSUM-awesome sums it all up. Here, in VAWSUM, we believe in one goal, and that is, to give students, teachers, and parents a very awesome experience. From keeping a track of attendance to tracking down school bus, from helping in paying fees on the correct date to getting knowledge about the dates of the events and from maintaining the records of daily attendance to daily sheets, VAWSUM helps in each and every aspect. VAWSUM assures you a very awesome experience.If you too want to have a Very Awesome experience, then VAWSUM is the ideal solution. For a better understanding, click the link below
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